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Create a token fetcher

What is a token?

As mentioned in the previous section, Tokens are investment positions that are represented by a token standard like ERC20. These are transferrable and fungible positions that maybe considered as a receipt for an investment transaction. These receipts may be used to represent:

  • Liquidity pool positions in a decentralized exchange like Uniswap, SushiSwap, or Curve
  • Autocompounding "vaults" like in a yield aggregator like Pickle or Yearn
  • Supply and borrow positions in a lending app like Aave
  • Or even more obscure primitives like options in Opyn or prize savings accounts in PoolTogether

What is a token fetcher?

In the Zapper API, a TokenFetcher class dynamically lists a single group of tokens. Groups of tokens share common properties, such as APYs for Pickle vault tokens, or fees for Uniswap pool tokens. As such, we declare unique strategy classes for each token group that we want to index in Zapper.

Generate a token fetcher

Our codegen utilities will automatically generate the boilerplate for a token fetcher. Run pnpm studio create-token-fetcher pickle. When prompted for the group, select jar, and when prompted for the network, select ethereum.

Create Token Fetcher

Implement the token fetcher

Let's open src/apps/pickle/ethereum/pickle.jar.token-fetcher.ts. The skeleton has been assembled for you, and you'll now need to fill in the contents of the getPositions method in the EthereumPickleJarTokenFetcher.

import { Inject } from '@nestjs/common';

import { IAppToolkit, APP_TOOLKIT } from '~app-toolkit/app-toolkit.interface';
import { Register } from '~app-toolkit/decorators';
import { PositionFetcher } from '~position/position-fetcher.interface';
import { AppTokenPosition } from '~position/position.interface';
import { Network } from '~types/network.interface';

import { PickleContractFactory } from '../contracts';
import { PICKLE_DEFINITION } from '../pickle.definition';

const appId =;
const groupId =;
const network = Network.ETHEREUM_MAINNET;

@Register.TokenPositionFetcher({ appId, groupId, network })
export class EthereumPickleJarTokenFetcher implements PositionFetcher<AppTokenPosition> {
@Inject(APP_TOOLKIT) private readonly appToolkit: IAppToolkit,
@Inject(PickleContractFactory) private readonly pickleContractFactory: PickleContractFactory,
) {}

async getPositions() {
return [];

You'll notice that the AppToolkit and PickleContractFactory have already been injected into the scope of your class. What are these? The AppToolkit provides an SDK of utilities to interact with the blockchain, retrieve base token prices, or even retrieve tokens and positions from other apps defined in Zapper. The PickleContractFactory, as explained in the previous section, builds typed instances of the contract ABIs you have in your src/pickle/contracts/abis directory.

Let's get to work!

Resolve all Jar token addresses from the Pickle API

Pickle provides an API endpoint that lists out all of the jar tokens across all supported networks on the Pickle application.

We'll make use of this endpoint to list out all of our tokens.

// ...

// Define a partial of the return type from the Pickle API
export type PickleVaultDetails = {
jarAddress: string;
network: string;
apy: number;

@Register.TokenPositionFetcher({ appId, groupId, network })
export class EthereumPickleJarTokenFetcher implements PositionFetcher<AppTokenPosition> {
@Inject(APP_TOOLKIT) private readonly appToolkit: IAppToolkit,
@Inject(PickleContractFactory) private readonly pickleContractFactory: PickleContractFactory,
) {}

async getPositions() {
// Retrieve pool addresses from the Pickle API
const endpoint = '';
const data = await Axios.get<PickleVaultDetails[]>(endpoint).then(v =>;
const ethData = data.filter(({ network }) => network === 'eth');
const jarAddresses ={ jarAddress }) => v.jarAddress.toLowerCase());
const jarAddressToDetails = _.keyBy(ethData, v => v.jarAddress.toLowerCase());

// Return _anything_ so we can see a result right now!
return jarAddresses as any;

Easy enough. Let's wire things together and we'll see what happens!

Run the application

We can now run our Pickle application integration and start manually testing some of our data. We also do not want to run all of the other apps defined in Studio. Create a .env file at the root, and update it as follows:


Now, we can run the Studio development server in the terminal with pnpm dev. If it started successfully, you can now open http://localhost:5001/apps/pickle/tokens?groupIds[]=jar&network=ethereum in your browser. You should see a list of addresses returned, and if you open any of these addresses in Etherscan, you'll see that they're all Pickle jar tokens. Hooray 🎉!

Resolve standard ERC20 token properties

Firstly, you may have noticed the return statement being typecast to any in our current getPositions function body. A TokenFetcher class is actually expected to return a list of AppTokenPosition objects.

Let's start by retrieving standard ERC20 properties for each jar token: symbol, decimals, and supply. We'll be making requests using a typed Ethers contract instance from our ContractFactory to request on-chain data. We'll also optimize this by using a Multicall wrapper utility to batch contract calls into a single request.

// ...

@Register.TokenPositionFetcher({ appId, groupId, network })
export class EthereumPickleJarTokenFetcher implements PositionFetcher<AppTokenPosition> {
@Inject(APP_TOOLKIT) private readonly appToolkit: IAppToolkit,
@Inject(PickleContractFactory) private readonly pickleContractFactory: PickleContractFactory,
) {}

async getPositions() {
// ...

// Create a multicall wrapper instance to batch chain RPC calls together
const multicall = this.appToolkit.getMulticall(network);

// We will build a token object for each jar address, using data retrieved on-chain with Ethers
const tokens = await Promise.all( jarAddress => {
// Instantiate a smart contract instance pointing to the jar token address
const contract = this.pickleContractFactory.pickleJar({ address: jarAddress, network });

// Request the symbol, decimals, ands supply for the jar token
const [symbol, decimals, supplyRaw] = await Promise.all([

// Denormalize the supply
const supply = Number(supplyRaw) / 10 ** decimals;

// Create the token object
const token: AppTokenPosition = {
type: ContractType.APP_TOKEN,
address: jarAddress,

return token;

return tokens;

Resolve the underlying token and ratio

In Web3, composability is king. Tokens wrap other tokens with functionality that provides value to the owner. You may have heard the term DeFi Legos for this reason.

In the case of Pickle Finance, a user deposits a token, and receives a vault token that represents an auto-compounding balance of the deposited token. The yield is aggregated from some underlying strategy and returned to the user.

Our AppTokenPosition object represents this relationship using the tokens and pricePerShare properties. The tokens property is an array of the underlying tokens of the wrapper token, and the pricePerShare property represents the ratio between the balance of the app token and the balance of the underlying token.

For example, if a user deposits 1100 LOOKS tokens into a Pickle vault that has a pricePerShare of 1.1, the user receives 1000 pLOOKS tokens as a receipt. Conversely, on withdrawal, they would receive 1100 LOOKS tokens for burning their 1000 pLOOKS tokens.

Let's see how to retrieve this data for a Pickle jar token:

// ...

@Register.TokenPositionFetcher({ appId, groupId, network })
export class EthereumPickleJarTokenFetcher implements PositionFetcher<AppTokenPosition> {
@Inject(APP_TOOLKIT) private readonly appToolkit: IAppToolkit,
@Inject(PickleContractFactory) private readonly pickleContractFactory: PickleContractFactory,
) {}

async getPositions() {
// ...

// A user can deposit base tokens like LOOKS or LQTY
const baseTokenDependencies = await this.appToolkit.getBaseTokenPrices(network);

// ...or a user can deposit other app tokens like Uniswap or Curve LP tokens
const appTokenDependencies = await this.appToolkit.getAppTokenPositions(
{ appId: 'uniswap-v2', groupIds: ['pool'], network },
{ appId: 'curve', groupIds: ['pool'], network },

const allTokenDependencies = [...appTokenDepencies, ...baseTokenDependencies];

const tokens = await Promise.all( jarAddress => {
// ...

// Request the underlying token address and ratio for the jar token
const [underlyingTokenAddressRaw, ratioRaw] = await Promise.all([
.catch(() => ''),
.catch(() => ''),

// Find the underlying token in our dependencies.
// Note: If it is not found, then we have not indexed the underlying token, and we cannot
// index the jar token since its price depends on the underlying token price.
const underlyingTokenAddress = underlyingTokenAddressRaw.toLowerCase();
const underlyingToken = allTokenDependencies.find(v => v.address === underlyingTokenAddress)
if (!underlyingToken) return null;
const tokens = [underlyingToken]

// Denormalize the price per share
const pricePerShare = Number(ratioRaw) / 10 ** 18;
const price = pricePerShare * underlyingToken.price;

// Create the token object
const token: AppTokenPosition = {
type: ContractType.APP_TOKEN,
address: jarAddress,

return token;

// Use compact from lodash to filter out any null elements
return _.compact(tokens);

Resolve any additional data properties

(This is an optional step and can be skipped!)

As mentioned previously, groups of tokens share common patterns on how to retrieve and build their properties, and may also share common additional properties. We can define additional properties in the dataProps field of the AppTokenPosition type.

We'll also make the use of generics to properly type our dataProps. The rest of our application can use these types when referencing the Pickle jar tokens.

Let's return the total value locked and the APY as part of the dataProps.

// ...

// Declare the data properties for a Pickle jar token
export type PickleJarTokenDataProps = {
apy: number;

@Register.TokenPositionFetcher({ appId, groupId, network })
export class EthereumPickleJarTokenFetcher implements PositionFetcher<AppTokenPosition> {
@Inject(APP_TOOLKIT) private readonly appToolkit: IAppToolkit,
@Inject(PickleContractFactory) private readonly pickleContractFactory: PickleContractFactory,
) {}

async getPositions() {
// ...

const tokens = await Promise.all( jarAddress => {
// ...

// Retrieve the APY from the map we created in the first step
const apy = (jarAddressToDetails[jarAddress]?.apy ?? 0) / 100;

// The TVL is the deposited reserve times the price of the deposited token
const underlyingTokenContract = this.pickleContractFactory.pickleJar({ address: underlyingToken.address, network });
const [reserveRaw] = await multicall.wrap(underlyingTokenContract).balanceOf(jarAddress);
const reserve = Number(reserveRaw) / 10 ** underlyingToken.decimals;
const tvl = supplyreserve * underlyingToken.price;

// Create the token object
const token: AppTokenPosition<PickleJarTokenDataProps> = {
// ...
dataProps: {

return token;

return _.compact(tokens);

We're almost there! Now we just need to tell Zapper how to render this token in our application.

Resolve display properties

What do you mean bSupercrvRenWBTC isn't a user-friendly name?

Using the symbol as a token label is generally not a great solution for human readability. Instead, we define displayProps on each token that instructs how Zapper will render the token in our web and mobile applications. The developer is in full control to define a label, secondaryLabel, and optional tertiaryLabel, and images.

Let's put everything together and observe our finished product!

import { Inject } from '@nestjs/common';
import Axios from 'axios';
import _, { compact } from 'lodash';

import { IAppToolkit, APP_TOOLKIT } from '~app-toolkit/app-toolkit.interface';
import { Register } from '~app-toolkit/decorators';
import { buildDollarDisplayItem } from '~app-toolkit/helpers/presentation/display-item.present';
import { getImagesFromToken, getLabelFromToken } from '~app-toolkit/helpers/presentation/image.present';
import { ContractType } from '~position/contract.interface';
import { PositionFetcher } from '~position/position-fetcher.interface';
import { AppTokenPosition } from '~position/position.interface';
import { Network } from '~types/network.interface';

import { PickleContractFactory } from '../contracts';
import { PICKLE_DEFINITION } from '../pickle.definition';

const appId =;
const groupId =;
const network = Network.ETHEREUM_MAINNET;

export type PickleVaultDetails = {
jarAddress: string;
network: string;
apy: number;

export type PickleJarTokenDataProps = {
apy: number;

@Register.TokenPositionFetcher({ appId, groupId, network })
export class EthereumPickleJarTokenFetcher implements PositionFetcher<AppTokenPosition> {
@Inject(APP_TOOLKIT) private readonly appToolkit: IAppToolkit,
@Inject(PickleContractFactory) private readonly pickleContractFactory: PickleContractFactory,
) {}

async getPositions() {
// Retrieve pool addresses from the Pickle API
const endpoint = '';
const data = await Axios.get<PickleVaultDetails[]>(endpoint).then(v =>;
const ethData = data.filter(({ network }) => network === 'eth');
const jarAddresses = => v.jarAddress.toLowerCase());
const jarAddressToDetails = _.keyBy(ethData, v => v.jarAddress.toLowerCase());

const baseTokens = await this.appToolkit.getBaseTokenPrices(network);
const appTokens = await this.appToolkit.getAppTokenPositions(
{ appId: 'uniswap-v2', groupIds: ['pool'], network },
{ appId: 'curve', groupIds: ['pool'], network },
const allTokens = [...appTokens, ...baseTokens];

// Build out the token objects
const multicall = this.appToolkit.getMulticall(network);
const tokens = await Promise.all( jarAddress => {
const contract = this.pickleContractFactory.pickleJar({ address: jarAddress, network });
const underlyingTokenContract = this.pickleContractFactory.pickleJar({ address: underlyingToken.address, network });

const [symbol, decimals, supplyRaw, underlyingTokenAddressRaw, ratioRaw, reserveRaw] = await Promise.all([

const supply = Number(supplyRaw) / 10 ** decimals;
const underlyingTokenAddress = underlyingTokenAddressRaw.toLowerCase();
const underlyingToken = allTokens.find(v => v.address === underlyingTokenAddress);
if (!underlyingToken) return null;

const tokens = [underlyingToken];
const pricePerShare = Number(ratioRaw) / 10 ** 18;
const price = pricePerShare * underlyingToken.price;
const apy = (jarAddressToDetails[jarAddress]?.apy ?? 0) / 100;
const reserve = Number(reserveRaw) / 10 ** underlyingToken.decimals;
const tvl = supplyreserve * underlyingToken.price;

// As a label, we'll use the underlying label (i.e.: 'LOOKS' or 'UNI-V2 LOOKS / ETH'), and suffix it with 'Jar'
const label = `${getLabelFromToken(underlyingToken)} Jar`;
// For images, we'll use the underlying token images as well
const images = getImagesFromToken(underlyingToken);
// For the secondary label, we'll use the price of the jar token
const secondaryLabel = buildDollarDisplayItem(price);
// And for a tertiary label, we'll use the APY
const tertiaryLabel = `${(apy * 100).toFixed(3)}% APY`;

const token: AppTokenPosition<PickleJarTokenDataProps> = {
type: ContractType.APP_TOKEN,
address: jarAddress,
dataProps: {
displayProps: {

return token;

return compact(tokens);

Visit http://localhost:5001/apps/pickle/tokens?groupIds[]=jar&network=ethereum again in your browser and you can admire your completed work. Here's an example of one of the tokens in this list:

"label":"FXS / cvxFXS",
"secondaryLabel":"35% / 64%",
"label":"FXS / cvxFXS Jar",
"tertiaryLabel":"25.320% APY"

This implementation works well, but it is a little naive. We have helper classes to simplify building vault tokens. Helpers make implementations easier and more consistent. You can see how a helper could be used for a vault in Recipes.

In the next section, we'll look into enumerating farms in the same way, with the difference being that farm positions are not tokenized.